Saturday, March 17, 2007

I was fortunate enough to be invited to the Hillary Clinton breakfast this morning for local Houston Community Women Leaders. Jane (my neighborhood cohort) and I were able to get very near Senator Clinton. She took questions from the audience (there were about 100-150 of us) and really seemed to give heartfelt answers. I was quite impressed. I saw her during the 1996 campaign as part of the Democratic Party's Women's Leadership Forum, she has mellowed with age. Her answers were concise, and clean, and thorough. I didn't feel like she evaded anything and she didn't speak circles in talking points as so many politicians do. She answered the questions asked, and explained how an issue can affect a broad swath of the American public. Thanks to U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee and Councilmember Garcia for suggesting me for the list.

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